To be a volunteer with ARMONÍA is to experience a series of processes.
First, you will experience a learning process. If you come to ARMONÍA, you are guaranteed to learn – about what it means to walk alongside the poor and what it means to live together in a posture of transformation.
Second, your time with ARMONÍA would be a gradual process. While it is tempting
to desire quick results, you will see that your work with ARMONÍA will be a gradual
process of transformation, not only for the people with whom you are working,
but for yourself as well.
Third, it is an integral process. Integral means that it is holistic, involving all parts –
spiritual, physical, emotional, psychological. You will learn how transformation is
an integral process, and we are being integrally transformed together – rich and
poor, sick and healthy, educated and uneducated, of all backgrounds and
nationalities – into the body of Christ. You will learn to develop a holistic, integral
perspective and approach to mission.
Fourth, it is a process of building community relationships. Working together,
building relationships, and learning together is an important part of the ARMONÍA
volunteer program. At the level of community relationships based on the gospel
of Jesus Christ, transformation happens.
Fifth, it is a time of give and take. Many people go to another country in order
to help, serve, and give. While you will of course be serving and giving of
yourself, the ARMONÍA volunteer program is more about the mutual relationship
of what we give and receive to and from each other. Everyone is being
transformed, and so your time with ARMONÍA will be a time to enhance your own
transformation process. Also, it will be a time to learn how to serve. Certainly
you will bring your own ideas about what it means to serve, but you will also
experience these ideas and stances transforming as you work together with the
people in ARMONÍA.